Iran and IAEA to continue nuclear talks next week

12 Oct, 2007

Iran and the UN nuclear watchdog wrapped up two-days of talks on Tehran's controversial enrichment programme Thursday and will meet again next week, the semi-offical Mehr news agency reported.
"It was agreed to continue these meetings at the level of experts next week," deputy secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Javad Vaidi, was quoted as saying.
"The two sides were satisfied with the process of the negotiations and their continuation," said Vaidi, who headed the Iranian negotiators in talks with officials from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The technical negotiations, which began on Tuesday, focused on P1 and P2 type centrifuges.
The IAEA is seeking details on how Iran obtained components for its P1 type centrifuges, of which more than 2,000 are in operation at its nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz, and on its research with the more efficient P2 model. The talks follow an agreement reached in August for Tehran to provide answers to outstanding questions over its nuclear programme including plutonium experiments.

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