Pakistan for conventional balance with India

19 Oct, 2007

Pakistan has stressed on conventional balance with India as part of a comprehensive approach to conflict resolution, peaceful settlement of disputes and nuclear restraint, a senior Pakistan official said here on Thursday.
Talking to APP on the conclusion of the fourth round of Pak-India talks on conventional confidence building measures (CBMs), Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director-General (South Asia), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the meeting provided an opportunity to exchange views on different issues relating to CBMs and to carry forward the peace process.
During the talks, Pakistan side stressed the need to review implementation of existing CBMs, including holding cease-fire on LOC, non-establishment of new posts and quarterly flag meetings to formalise them, he said. Matters relating to revision of border ground rules, inadvertent border crossers and prevention of incidents at sea also came under discussion, he added.
Both countries had already exchanged draft agreements on prevention of incidents at sea and inadvertent crossers which were discussed during the talks, he added.
No agreement was finalised at the talks, but the meeting provided opportunity for comprehensive exchange of views on different issues relating to CBMs, sources here said.
On Friday, the two countries will hold talks on nuclear CBMs. Khalid Aziz Babar, Additional Secretary (UN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will lead Pakistan delegation at the talks.

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