Partly Facetious: sympathies back with Benazir

20 Oct, 2007

"I was so devastated..."
"Yep Karachi saw yet another carnage."
"Who do you think was responsible?"
"Most fingers are pointed at the extremists but some Jiyalas are pointing to the government."
"I don't think a government, any government, will be that callous and..."
"And kill its own! What happened in Karachi on 12 May..."
"That is sub judice and..."
"What is happening in Waziristan?"
"But the government was on BB's side!"
"The President made a deal with her without consulting his partners...there was no broad based consensus..."
"I know his partners were violently opposed to the deal but..."
"I am not saying the government was responsible, all I am saying is that many a Jiyala is saying that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the government minus the President may have had something to do with it."
"I guess."
"So the US condemned the attack."
" know as BB was disembarking the commentators were saying that she has lost support because she made a deal with the military and that is against democracy by any stretch of the imagination..."
"And then this blast happened and sympathies are back with her."
"That is the politics of BB...sympathies somehow always coalesce behind her...even when she has done outrageous things..." "Indeed but all oppositions are so badly treated by the government of the day that they do get sympathy vote...I mean she is not unique."

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