Saarc states agree to crush terrorism

21 Oct, 2007

The Saarc countries have agreed to take effective steps to stop terrorism, financing to terrorists by smugglers of narcotics and to establish effective system for information sharing. This was decided in the first meeting of focal points monitoring desk and experts of Saarc on terrorism and narcotics.
According to a private TV channel, the meeting discussed matters relating to border and internal security, especially in the light of recent suicide attacks in Pakistan.
It was proposed that every country of Saarc should establish a mechanism for information sharing, through which terrorist elements and their financier could be identified.
The meeting also discussed on various points to stop suicide bombings and some recommendations were also forwarded in this connection. Chairman Focal Group Brigadier Jawed Iqbal Cheema said that the recommendations of the meeting will be sent to Interior Ministers' meeting of Saac for approval.

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