Non-binding statement: UNSC slams suicide bombings

23 Oct, 2007

The UN Security Council on Monday strongly condemned last week's suicide bombings that targeted Benazir Bhutto in Karachi and urged all states to help bring the perpetrators to justice.
In a non-binding statement, the 15-member body "underlines the need to bring perpetrators, organisers and sponsors of this reprehensible act of terrorism to justice and urges all states cooperate actively with the Pakistani authorities in this regard."
The council reiterated that "any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed," added the statement which was read out by the council's president for this month, Ghana's UN Ambassador Leslie Christian.
Pakistani authorities suspect that two suicide bombers were involved in the attack that killed 139 people during Bhutto's homecoming parade in Karachi. Bhutto has called for international help in the inquiry into the bombings, Pakistan's deadliest suicide attack.

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