Scope of towel industry

15 Dec, 2007

The scope of textile particularly terry towels in the world market is very bright as Pakistan is the 4th largest cotton producer and we are producing about 14% of the total cotton grown all over the world. We have infrastructure, know-how, and good labour force.
Our share in the world textile market is only 2.7% where as if we concentrate on war footing for value addition and level playing field are given we can increase our exports to many folds and can achieve the due share in the world market. This should be our goal.
After WTO was imposed in January 2005, the textile business switched over from Europe and USA to this part of the world. We did not get our due share where as our competitors China, India and even Bangladesh got more share than us because we were not prepared to face the challenges of WTO although it was signed in 1995.
Towel Industries in Pakistan do not have sufficient new and latest machinery. Good quality products could only be produced and maintained on the latest and new equipment which is need of the hour.
Modern textile machinery is generally manufactured in Europe and very costly therefore in order to compete world market, our government should provide assistance to manufacturers for importing new and modern machinery.
I am optimistic and confident that if textile manufacturers and exporters are given level playing field we are quite capable to achieve our goal and get sizeable percentage of share in the world textile market.
1: Cheap & un-interrupted electricity, gas and water which are essential for any textile industry.
2: Long term loans should be granted at reasonably lower rates to facilitate import of latest machinery and to construct new buildings.
3: Refinance interest rates should be reduced and should be valid for the whole year.
4: Withholding tax should be reduced.
5: More incentives should be given to improve the research and development in the industries.
6: More institute must be established where technical training and education should be provided to our work force so that skilled workers could be produced as there is acute shortage of skilled workers in our country
7: There must be zero rated import duty on import of textile machinery.
Law and order situation should be improved so that buyers could come to our country without any fear as travel advisory of the respective countries have advised not to travel to Pakistan therefore we have to travel to their countries very frequently.
Even then buyers are reluctant to place the orders to Pakistan because they think that due to disturbance in the country Pakistan may not ship the orders in time as in time deliveries is key factor for export. If we do not ship the orders in time then either the orders are cancelled or asked for air shipment at our cost.
Our government must realise that textile industries are the backbone of Pakistan and it has potential to boost export manifold and it is also a labour oriented industry, it can accommodate major part of the labour force. In this way we can over come the issue of un-employment also.

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