On Tuesday, BRIndex30 opened at 16,026.98. It closed at 15,962.05 with a net negative change of -46.84 points and percentage change of -0.29. It experienced intra-day high of 16,081.98 and intra-day low of 15,932.39 with volume of 101,933,800, which was 61.00 percent of the total market and 115.35 percent of KSE-100 index.
The volume of KSE All Share and KSE-100 were 167,129,400 and 88,371,380 respectively. BR Tech. & Comm. Index was the third most active sector. It closed at 1,685.77 with a net downward change of -3.4 points and percentage change of -0.20. The volume of this sector was 12,138,200.
BR Cement Index was the second most active sector. It closed at 1,748.06 with a net negative change of -0.14 points and percentage change of -0.01. The turnover for this sector was 18,891,000. BR Commercial Banks Index was the most active sector. It closed at 6,163.90 with a net negative change of -5.41 points and percentage change of -0.09. The turnover for this sector was 51,225,400.
BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,472.01 with a downward change of -2.07 points and percentage change of -0.14. The turnover for this sector was 1,808,700, which was the lowest among BRIndices. BR Oil and Gas Index closed with a turnover of 8,020,500. It closed at 2,460.12 with a net negative change of -17.44 points and percentage change of -0.70.