NAVTEC decides to train unskilled youth

25 Dec, 2007

National Vocational and Technical Education Commission (NAVTEC) has decided to support Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions (TVET) that are running courses relevant to market needs. This was revealed by a high ministry official. He said the main objective is to create additional capacity to train unskilled youth to control skills' shortage.
He said the Commission is pursing a strategy to increase training capacity in technical and vocational education from existing 300,000 to one million annually by 2010. He said NAVTEC is providing financial and technical assistance for creation of additional training capacity, adding, it has firmed-up additional short training of 80,000 persons this year.
"NAVTEC's energies are also dedicated to develop national occupational skills standards, curricula and trade testing certification systems for all sectors in which technical education and vocational training is imparted", he added.
Furthermore, he said that the Ministry of Labour and Manpower would also set up more vocational and technical institutes to promote the effectiveness of vocational training countrywide. He said it would help send skilled manpower to abroad for employment. He added, "Pakistan has been providing skilled persons having good character to various countries of the world particularly Middle East and Gulf states".

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