APDM demands end to operation in Balochistan, tribal areas

25 Dec, 2007

The All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) on Monday demanded end of security operation in Balochistan, restoration of all deposed judges of the Apex and High Courts who refused to take oath under PCO-2007, and release of all lawyers.
The demands were made through resolutions unanimously adopted by a 'grand public meeting' of the APDM held here, some 60 km off from the provincial capital. The meeting was chaired by Mehmood Khan Achakzai.
The resolutions further demanded of the government to ensure freedom of media and banish foreigners from tribal areas and end immediately security operation there. Mehmood demanded restoration of pre-November 3 judges and the constitution. He further demanded running the country in accordance with the Constitution and ensure equality of all 'nations' in the country.
Qazi Hussain Ahmed called upon the people to boycott "the fraudulent elections" and "make them unsuccessful". He condemned the unilateral decisions relating to launching military operations in tribal areas.

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