Benazir, Karzai vow to combat terrorism

28 Dec, 2007

Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairperson Benazir Bhutto have stressed the need for enhancing bilateral co-operation to uproot terrorism and extremism. They urged both Pakistan and Afghanistan would take joint measure to cope with this situation.
Talking to the newsmen at the local hotel after her meeting with Hamid Karzai, she termed her meeting with the Afghan president as very fruitful in which the matters of mutual interest came under discussion.
She was of the view that both Pakistan and Afghanistan have deep cordial relations and when Russia invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan provided refuge to three million Afghans. She said that if the situation is bad in Afghanistan, it also puts adverse effects on Pakistan.
Answering a question, she said the PPP is desirous for peace and stability and stoppage of suicide bombing. She said that the terrorists are tarnishing the glowing image of Islam and also badly affecting the economy. A PPP statement said that Benazir Bhutto discussed matters of mutual interests with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
During their 45 minutes meeting, the two leaders discussed issues relating to militancy, terrorism and extremism. The two leaders agreed that rising militancy had threatened not only the stability of Afghanistan and Pakistan but also entire regions and the Muslim world. They stressed the need for taking steps to contain militancy.
In this context, Benazir pointed out that there were two types of Madaris in Pakistan. One type of Madaris, which were in majority, was doing a great service by imparting traditional Islamic education. The other type of Madaris were the political Madaris, which had sprung during the last two decades were preaching violence militancy and extremism and were in a small minority.
She said the PPP had a clear-cut plan and policy for containing militancy. The two leaders also emphasised the need for expanding trade ties between the two countries, which had decreased from 1.1 billion dollars two years ago to 600 million dollars now.
President Hamid Karzai paid tributes to Benazir Bhutto as a courageous leader. He said that he, the Afghan government, and Afghan people have great respect for her. President Karzai also wished her a peaceful and fair electioneering campaign.
Benazir said that during her visit to Peshawar last Wednesday scare was created to disrupt the rally, but the effort did not succeed and people turned out in large number to attend the public meeting.
Replying to a question, she said the people have rejected the leadership of the PML(Q) and it cannot grab more than 10 seats in the upcoming elections. To a query, she expressed hope that the PPP will form its government after the elections.
Benazir said she also held parleys with Afghan President Hamid Karzai regarding the religious seminaries and said that the teachings of Islam are inculcated in the conventional seminaries, which are a commendable work. However, there are some other religious schools, which are spreading extremism and brainwashing the students.
Responding to another question, Benazir Bhutto welcomed the decision of the formation of an Intelligence Sharing Committee between Pakistan and Afghanistan to nab terrorists. Quoting a report of Transparency International, she accused the present regime of committing huge corruption and the prices of the daily commodities are sky-rocketing.

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