Imran urges Musharraf to quit

29 Dec, 2007

The chairman Pakistan Tehrik Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, on Friday warned that Pakistan was heading "towards chaos" and called for President Pervez Musharraf to quit following Benazir Bhutto's assassination. 'General Musharraf's time is up. He should step down as there's no end to terrorism in Pakistan,' Imran Khan told reporters in India's financial capital, where he is on a personal visit.
'Pakistan is going towards chaos. Musharraf kept saying he will crush terrorism... today terrorism is crushing us," he added. Imran called for the setting up of a consensus caretaker government and a judicial probe into the assassination of two-time premier Bhutto. He said he would head back to Pakistan on Saturday and added that his party would boycott the upcoming elections.
The polls now appear increasingly in doubt, with Pakistan's other major opposition figure, Nawaz Sharif, pulling his party out and senior government officials considering whether to announce a delay.
'I do not feel threatened, but the truth is that anyone can be bumped off in Pakistan and blame it on the al Qaeda,' he said. Pakistan pointed a finger on Friday at al Qaeda for the assassination of Benazir, as her body was taken to her ancestral home for burial and anger at her death erupted into deadly unrest in the streets.

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