Low gas pressure irks residents of twin cities

30 Dec, 2007

Low pressure of Sui gas during chilly weather has perturbed the residents of the twin cities. The residents in various areas of the twin cities complained they were facing problems especially in kitchens due to low pressure of gas.
"The problem of low gas pressure occurs anytime without any notice despite announcement by the authorities that the pressure will be okay in the evening ", said a resident. The Helpline '119' established by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) for addressing public complaints was unable to do the needful.
"The Helpline number (119) is constantly engaged as I have been trying to get the number for the last four days", complained Raja Sarfaraz a resident of Adiala Road.
"Preparing breakfast in the morning specially becomes difficult due to low pressure of gas particularly when everyone is in a hurry to reach their offices in time. While buying food everyday from outside is quite expensive and unhygienic", said a housewife.

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