SCBA condemns targeted killing of Benazir

30 Dec, 2007

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) has condemned the targeted killing of former premier Benazir Bhutto and demanded an independent enquiry. Office-bearers and members of SCBA held protest and offered Ghaibana Nimaz-e-Jinnaza and recited the Quran at the Press Club. Journalists, human rights activists and members of the civil society also joined them.
Bar Secretary Javed Amin said the killing had pushed Pakistan into a crisis. He said lawyers were proud of Ms Bhutto's struggle for democracy, protection of fundamental rights and prosperity of down-trodden people.
He said such incidence would never weaken the struggle against the judiciary and the lawyers would continue their struggling for the rule of law. He also praised Muhammad Nawaz Sharif for boycotting the elections, saying he hoped the Pakistan People's Party would also follow suit.
He said the lawyers had already boycotted the elections since they knew a fair election would never be possible as long as President Pervez Musharraf ruled the country. He also told political parties to boycott the elections and join the lawyers.

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