Iraq gains 'reversible': US commander

30 Dec, 2007

US and Iraqi commanders said on Saturday there had been a remarkable improvement in the country's security over the past year, but the top American general also warned that the gains could be reversed.
"Success will emerge slowly and fitfully with reverses as well as advances. Inevitably there will be tough fighting, more tough days and more tough weeks, but fewer of them, inshallah (God willing)," General David Petraeus said in a year-end briefing to journalists.
In a message to his troops, he wrote: "A year ago, Iraq was racked by horrific violence and on the brink of civil war. "Now, levels of violence and civilian and military casualties are significantly reduced and hope has been rekindled in Iraqi communities. To be sure, the progress is reversible and there is much more to be done."
Petraeus said the number of attacks in Iraq had fallen by 60 percent since June and the number of civilian deaths had fallen by 75 percent since a year ago. The number of US military deaths was also sharply lower. But figures supplied at Petraeus's briefing also showed a slight rise in suicide car and vest bombs since October.

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