Co-chairman of Pakistan People's Party Asif Ali Zardari has said that the maternal aunt of Balawal Bhutto Zardari was consulted on his appointment as party Chairman and got her permission. In an interview with the BBC he said Bilawal is wiser than others and his mother, maternal grandfather and uncles had sacrifices their lives for democracy and Pakistan.
He said that Benazir was the chain of four provinces and a symbol of federation and now Bilawal will have to take this responsibility. Zardari said that Benazir Bhutto had informed the world about the threats to her life when she was alive, adding that he had written a letter which was also published in the media in which she had pinpointed some names. He said Biawal will become binding force in the country like his mother. He said Bilawal will not take part in the election campaign but he himself will campaign for the party.