Benazir's assassination: PBC seeks judicial inquiry under Iftikhar supervision

02 Jan, 2008

Pakistan Bar Council has demanded that the judicial enquiry into murder of Benazir Bhutto be held under supervision of the "Chief Justice" Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. PBC Vice Chairman Mirza Aziz Baig presided over a meeting of its members here, which unanimously adopted a number of resolutions.
According to a PBC press release, the Council reiterated its resolve that the lawyers would continue their movement for restoration of the pre 02 November 2007 judiciary with greater vigour and determination.
PBC demanded that Chief Election Commissioner should resign and a new CEC be appointed and Election Commission be reconstituted in consultation with all the political parties to hold free, fair and transparent elections. The Council maintained that killing of PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto has put the country in constitutional and political crisis of unprecedented proportions.
It argued that Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and some other judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts were being illegally and unconstitutionally prevented from performing their functions. The Council contended that the government had failed to provide adequate security to Benazir Bhutto resulting in her murder.
PBC said that Benazir Bhutto had become a 'martyr of democracy' by laying down her life in the cause of democracy. The Council asked President Musharraf to step down immediately paving the way for formation of national government at the centre and in the provinces in consultation with all political parties.-PR

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