RTO Karachi gets only 1,150 corporate units returns

02 Jan, 2008

The Regional Tax Office (RTO), Karachi, has received only 1,150 income tax returns out of the 5,000 registered corporate taxpayers till the last date.
Sources told Business Recorder on Tuesday that a poor response of the taxpayers towards filing of income tax returns, which was witnessed across the country, compelled the FBR to extend the date of filing from December 31, 2007 to January 14, 2008.
Although, the FBR officials claimed that the board had received many requests by the taxpayers for extending the filing deadline, due mainly to a poor law and order situation in the country in the aftermath the assassination of PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto.
"We were getting requests by our taxpayers for extension of the date for filing of income tax returns mainly because of the disturbances in the city during the last few days and we have conveyed these to the FBR head office," an RTO official said.
He said most of the taxpayers were prone to file their income tax returns at the verge of a deadline, but due to fierce loot and arson in the city the filling process was badly affected in Karachi.
It may be mentioned here the FBR on December 31, 2007 had extended the last date for filing of income tax returns by the corporate sector till January 14, 2007 keeping the uncertain law and order situation of the country in view. The decision, the RTO official said, would facilitate the corporate taxpayers, as they would be allowed to file their tax returns without any penalty up to the new deadline.

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