CDA ignores ministry's guidelines

02 Jan, 2008

Capital Development Authority (CDA) ignores Ministry of Environment guidelines before undertaking any infrastructure development project in the capital, sources told Business Recorder on Tuesday.
While carrying out the recent development projects in the capital the authority has not taken into account the environmental damage, which could have been easily averted, they added. "It would have been better if before planning any development project in the city, CDA consulted Ministry of Environment", said the sources.
While showing concern regarding the future infrastructure development in the capital, the sources said the four lane road near the National Park clearly reflects that soon this area would also lose its serenity due to the CDA ill-planning.
"National Park is of great significance for the capital as large quantity of water is conserved there. We are already facing water shortage in the city. If this Park is destroyed for the sake of development no doubt it would become difficult for us to fulfil the water requirement", the sources said.
For water shed management there is a need to put less pressure on the land near National Park. Therefore, if CDA is planning to develop the area it should consult Ministry of Environment. Besides this CDA should also avoid converting it into commercial area. "While planning any development project, CDA should follow the original master plan. If there is a need of alteration it should be balanced", sources added.

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