Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister former justice Abdul Qadir Halepota has directed the Irrigation department to ensure availability of irrigation water to tailenders of Sindh. He ordered immediate "Bhal Safai" of Rohri Canal as, he observed, silt accumulation in the canal hindered the flow of water to tail ends.
In a joint meeting with the growers and Secretary Irrigation, the Chief Minister pointed out that basically Sindh is an agriculture province with dependence solely on agriculture. The Britishers, he pointed out, provided world's best irrigation system to this province and, if properly looked after, it would be immensely advantageous for Sindh.
He said millions of acres of land in Sindh is irrigated through Rohri Canal and, therefore, it needs proper silt clearance while lasting solution must be found to ensure availability of irrigation water to tailenders. Halepota said that there should be more doors installed in the regulators of distributaries emanating from Rohri Canal and steps be taken for silt clearance. He called for prudent utilisation of Rs 2,500 million allocated for canals silt clearance.