The teenage son of assassinated Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto received condolences for his slain mother in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai on Wednesday. Dozens of mainly Pakistani expatriates paid their respects to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at his family residence in Dubai and joined him in mourning prayers.
The newly appointed leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) declined to speak to reporters and it was not clear how long he would spend in Dubai, which is a member of the United Arab Emirates federation.
The 19-year-old Oxford University undergraduate arrived in Dubai on Tuesday with his sisters following Benazir's killing in an attack at an election rally last Thursday.
The Bhutto family, especially the children, spent much of their time in Dubai while their mother, a two-time premier, lived in exile from 1999 until October last year. Bilawal was appointed chairman of the PPP on Sunday, although his role will be largely ceremonial for now and the running of the party will be looked after by his father, Asif Ali Zardari.