Pakistan Railways has announced to run more trains from different cities of the country for Karachi to facilitate people. According to Railways sources here, 165-Up/166-Down Qalandar Express on Thursday operated between Larkana and Dadu while 19-Up/20-Down Khushal Khan Express is being run from Peshawar to Dadu from Friday.
Hazara Express (11-Up/12-Down) will depart from Rawalpindi at 5:30 pm for Karachi while from Friday it will run from Havalian to Karachi. It will depart from Karachi at 6:15 am on January 5.
Sukkur Express (145-Up/146-Down) on Thursday operated between Karachi and Jacobabad via Sukkur and Rohri while on Friday it will depart from Jacobabad for Karachi at 7:00 pm. This train will run on alternate days for the time being. Farid Express will start its normal operation between Karachi and Lahore from Friday via Pakpattan.
Railways sources said that Pakistan Express (45-Up/46-Down) will depart from Rawalpindi on Friday at 8:30 am for Karachi via Faisalabad. The sources said that side by side with running passenger trains to facilitate the travelling public, goods trains for transportation of petrol/oil, coal and goods for Afghanistan, are being operated and 36-Up and 29-Down goods trains are running on the tracks.