Countrywide rains likely from today

04 Jan, 2008

The much needed widespread rains and snowfalls on hill tops start from Friday night which would brighten prospects of good wheat crop in the country, the Meteorological department said here Thursday evening.
Agro-economist had expressed their apprehensions about achieving production targets of Kharif crop in view of long hours of electricity load shedding, less availability of irrigation water, annual closure of canals, low flows in the rivers and long drought spell in the country.
Experts said that rains will reduce load on tubewells and might also improve the hydel power generation besides providing sufficient irrigation water in the Barani (arid) areas of the country.
In its forecast, the Met office said that a strong westerly weather system is likely to approach Balochistan & Northern area from 4th January 2008 night. It will spread to other parts of the country in the next two days. This weather system is likely to persist for about a week. The detailed Met office weather forecast is as follows:
ISLAMABAD & PUNJAB: Scattered rains thunderstorm in most part of Punjab and Islamabad during 5th-8th January 2008. From 9th January 2008 the rains would become widespread, at times isolated/ heavy until 11th January 2008. Murray and adjoining areas are likely to receive heavy snowfall during these days.
Kashmir, Northern Areas (including earthquake-affected areas): Widespread rains snowfall at time heavy in most parts of the area during 4th to 11th January 2008.
There is a possibility of landslides and local flash flooding. Airlines operations during the period are also expected to be affected badly during the above period.
NWFP: Widespread rains/thunderstorm at times heavy in most parts of NWFP between 4th to 10th January 2008. Northern parts of the province are likely to receive heavy snowfall during this period. Lower Pass is expected to be closed due to heavy snowfall.
BALOCHISTAN: Widespread rain/thunderstorm at times heavy falls associated with snowfall over the hills is expected in Balochistan between 4th- and 9th January 2008. There is a possibility of flash floods and road blockages due to heavy snowfall.
SINDH: Isolated to scattered rain/thunderstorm is expected in Sindh including Karachi between 7th -9th January 2008. A report of the Indus River System Authority said that the Chasm Barrage reservoir level was only 4 ft from its dead level of 637 ft.
The total RIM station inflows was 33,631 cusecs and outflows 32,243 cusecs. (River Indus inflow at Tarbela Dam 15,900 cusecs, Kabul 7,990 cusecs, Whelm 3,478 cusses and Cherub 6,253 cusses.) Business Recorder has learnt that water releases from Mangla and Tarbela dams would be enhanced after 25th January for hydel power generation and irrigation purposes.

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