PPP reiterates demand for UN probe

05 Jan, 2008

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) on Friday reiterated its demand for only UN probe in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case, rejecting President Musharraf's assertion that the government was hiding nothing about the "unfortunate incident".
Addressing a press conference here on Friday, Senator Babar Awan of PPP termed Musharraf Thursday's briefing to foreign media "a pack of lies". He also claimed that the autopsy report prepared by Doctor Mussadaq-led eight-member medical board suggested that Benazir had suffered open head injury of about 5x3 centimetres irregular oval wound that might have been caused by the laser gun.
"If Mushasrraf has no objection to investigations then he should take initiative by inviting the UN for this task," he said. The country had lost a leader who had been twice prime minister, and was a leader of international stature, he added.
Accompanied by party's media coordinators Nazir Dhoki and Wasif Syed, he cited the post-mortem report. According to the report, BB died of open head injury with depressed skull fracture, which led to cardiac arrest. It has no mention of weapon used for injury, he said.
"The report says that BB suffered 5x3cm irregular oval shape wound on her head with 35 millimetre depressed fracture and two to three tiny radioactive densities underneath fracture were also found," Awan said, reading from the report. A laser weapon might have been used, he claimed.
He deplored that the government was trying to hide these facts. The PPP leader warned that the government would not succeed in doing so. The people involved in the assassination would be exposed one day. It is clear that beneficiaries of BB's killing were those who had been saying that they would not let Benazir and Nawaz come back to Pakistan.
"The beneficiaries are those who were saying that they would not let her become prime minister for the third time," he said referring to some statements made by President Musharraf and Pervaiz Elahi.
He said that a retired general who wanted to be called President should leave the Army House and dare live in the President House so that he could not involve the army in politics. Musharraf should not talk of army in this reference as nobody had pointed finger at army in killing, he said.
Rejecting the investigations by Scotland Yards he said they also came to investigate the assassination of late Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan but to no avail. He said that if Musharraf was fond of carrying out investigation of Rawalpindi incident by Scotland Yards, he should give them the case of Nawab Akbar Bugti and expose the culprits," he added.
Awan said Musharraf wanted to put the case under carpet by these so-called investigations and they would not accept it. "The statement of PML-Q president of becoming a party into investigations is self-explanatory. The former ruling party is already a party in this case," he remarked.
He also rebuffed President Musharraf's claim that he had given freedom to media, and contested that several journalists were killed and kidnapped while media was under the curbs.

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