Iranian consulate seeks SCCI help in curbing smuggling

06 Jan, 2008

Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) and Iranian Consulate Saturday agreed upon bilateral trade and proposing measures to control smuggling of Iranian goods and holding of an exhibition of Iranian products in Peshawar.
The agreements were reached between the Consul General of Iran in Peshawar Mohammad Eghbal Ali Asghari and President of Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) on the occasion of the visit of the former to the chamber.
THOSE PRESENT ON THE OCCASION WERE: Commercial Attache at Iranian Consulate, Heshmat Attarzadeh, spokesman of Iranian consulate Mohammad Jaffery while senior vice president SCCI, Inayat Khan and executive members, Malik Iftikhar Ahmad Awan, Mohammad Nadeem Rauf and Zia-ul-Haq Sarhadi.
Both sides also agreed on exchange of trade delegations and formation of strategy for the establishment of Pak-Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sarhad Chamber invited Iranian investors for investment in NWFP and establishment of industries through joint ventures.
Speaking on the occasion, the Consul General of Iran, Mohammad Eghbal Ali Asghari said that his country gives importance to brotherly relations with Pakistan and stressed close economic and trade relations between two countries. He said that Iran has made a lot of development in several sectors, which not only meeting their domestic requirements but also exports goods to different countries of the world.
He sought the co-operation of Sarhad Chamber in regularising the smuggling of Iranian goods to Pakistan, saying that the country herself was also taking measures in this regard. He further stressed for exchange of trade delegations with Iran and holding of the exhibition of Iran goods in collaboration with Sarhad Chamber.
In response to the views of the Consul General of Iran, he said that brotherly relations between Pakistan and Iran are very encouraging for the whole Muslim Ummah. He said that Sarhad Chamber would take all possible steps for removing hardles in the holding of the exhibition of Iranian goods, exchange of trade delegations and barriers in way of the promotion of bilateral trade.
He also presented the proposal of the establishment of Pak-Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the promotion of bilateral trade between both friendly and brotherly countries. The consul General of Iran has agreed with the proposal and ha assured for making contacts with Iranian chamber in this regard.
The meeting also agreed on establishment of close contacts between Sarhad Chamber and Consulate of Iran for control over the smuggling of Iranian goods and promotion of formal trade between both countries. Zia-ul-Haq Sarhadi pinpointed irritates in Pak-Iran trade including the smuggling. Malik Iftikhar Ahmad Awan talked about the flour mills of the province.

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