'Steps taken to maintain peace during Muharram'

06 Jan, 2008

Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister, former justice Ejaz Nisar has said that Islam is the religion of peace, love and brotherhood. He said that the process of development and progress could not be expedited without peace and tranquillity in the society, pointing out the Islamic values could greatly help to meet this end.
He expressed these views while presiding over a meeting of Ittehad Bain-ul-Muslimeen Committee here Saturday. Provincial Minister for Culture and Tourism Faqir Syed Ejazuddin, provincial secretary Labour, Shehzad Azam Khan, chief secretary Punjab, Salman Siddique, Inspector General Police, Ahmad Nasim, Home Secretary Khusro Pervez and other senior officers were also present.
He said special measures were being taken for maintenance of law and order and sectarian harmony during Muharram-ul-Haram. He said it is a matter of satisfaction that ulema are extending all out co-operation to the government for the maintenance peace and elimination of sectarianism from the society.
'Ulema's role and guidance for maintaining law and order and tranquillity in the society during Muharram is vital and Ulema should identify the elements promoting dissension and hatred in the society in the name of religion', he urged.
According to him the government has taken effective measures for maintaining sectarian harmony and protection of mosques, Imam Bargahs and other religious places. No leniency would be shown to the elements involved in the illegal use of loud speakers delivering provocative speeches or indulging in publication, distribution or sale of sectarian literature, he warned. He expressed the hope that peace and tranquillity would prevail during Muharram. The meeting offered Fateha for Benazir Bhutto.

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