Sri Lanka fighting kills 34 Tamil Tigers

06 Jan, 2008

Sri Lankan troops killed 34 Tamil Tiger rebels in northern Sri Lanka, the military said on Saturday, following the government's formal scrapping of an already tattered truce in the two-decade civil war. One soldier was killed and 11 wounded in fighting in the northern Jaffna peninsula, the northern district of Vavuniya and north-western district of Mannar.
"Fighting on Saturday in Jaffna, Vavuniya and Mannar killed 26 LTTE terrorists. Eight soldiers were also wounded from the fighting," said a spokesman at the Media Centre for National Security,who asked not to be named in line with the policy.
The military also said fighting on Friday killed eight Tamil Tiger rebels in Jaffna and Mannar, while one soldier was killed and three wounded in three different mine blasts in Vavuniya.

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