Militants kill eight peace workers

08 Jan, 2008

Al Qaeda-linked militants in South Waziristan have attacked two offices of a government-sponsored peace movement and killed eight people, the military said on Monday. The attacks were in South Waziristan on the Afghan border, where a militant leader the government says was behind the December 27 assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto is based.
"Miscreants fired at peace committee offices in Wana Bazaar and Shikai," the military said in a statement, referring to the region's two main towns. "Eight members of the committee expired," it said.
South Waziristan and neighbouring North Waziristan, which is also on the Afghan border, are hotbeds of support for the Taliban and al Qaeda. Many militants fled there when US-led forces overthrew the Taliban in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks.
The government has been struggling to establish its writ in the regions and expel foreign militants and subdue their Pakistani allies. It set up committees to foster talks among the ethnic Pashtun tribes in the region, some of which support militants.
The Sunday evening attacks came two days after a militant spokesman threatened to launch attacks on military and government targets in revenge for a government offensive against insurgents in Swat Valley.
On Monday, a suicide car-bomber attacked a gate of a military camp in Swat, wounding three soldiers, a military official said. Government forces launched an offensive in the scenic valley in the Frontier province in November to purge militants who had infiltrated from strongholds on the Afghan border.

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