Religious scholars urged to promote harmony

09 Jan, 2008

Chairman of Islamic Ideology Council of Pakistan Dr Khalid Masood said that the religious scholars and Ulema from all schools of thought should play their active role to mark the holy month of Muharramul Haram peacefully and befitting manner.
Dr Masood was addressing a seminar as chief guest, organised by Tahreek Akhwat-e-Islam (TAI) Pakistan on 'Elimination of extremism and promotion of solidarity' here Tuesday. Dr Khalid Masood said that Ulema and scholars must spread the message of Ahl-e-Bait (RA) during Muharram as this message promotes peace and harmony among humanity.
"We are facing serious problem because culture of tolerance and respect to the difference of opinion could not spread in the country. So it is the need of the hour to respect difference of opinion and faith," he added.
The chairman said that Pakistan is facing time of trial, so it is duty of our scholars to help steer the country out of current crisis because this country belongs to us all. "We should rise above all sorts of personal interests and fulfil our responsibilities towards our country and refrain from issuing Fatwas on the basis of difference of opinion," the scholar emphasised.
TAI chairman Allama Inayat Ali Shakir said that all divine religions including Islam condemn terrorism, extremism, sectarianism and suicide bombing as heinous acts against humanity and people involved in these crimes are the enemies of humanity.
He declared that TAI will mark 2008 as the year of international peace and led the gathering of religious scholars in appealing to the media to play its effective role in eliminating extremism and promoting religious tolerance and harmony.
"The holy month of Muharram teaches the whole humanity religious harmony and peace, so following the proverb 'don't quit your faith and don't interfere in others faith', we must mark this holy month peacefully, respectfully and with befitting manners.
"Interfaith harmony should be promoted at school and college level to steer our young generations towards a peaceful world and such an institute should be established where we can guide our youngsters about the interfaith harmony, " he added. Renowned Islamic scholar Dr Muhammad Farooq Khan said that we must understand the true nature of challenges we are facing, if we wish to determine our responsibilities. Dr Khan said that Muharram should be marked with religious sentiment and peace and ulema should play their role for this purpose.
The TAI Chairman led collective prayers for the soul of slain former prime minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and termed the incident as unbearable loss for the country and a national tragedy.
The seminar was presided over by the TAI Chairman Allama Inayat Ali Shakir, renowned scholars from various schools of thought and religious including Dr Muhammad Farooq Khan, Allama Maqsood Ahmed Salfi, Maulana Abdul Majeed Hazarvi, Bishop Anthony Lobo, Allama Ahmed Saeed Qureshi, Pirzada Nisaral Mustafa, Zahoor Ilahi Qadri, Allama Manzoor Alvi, Maulana Nousherwan from Uk, Maulana Ijaz Qadri, Allama Mujahid Kazmi, Harrron Nasir of Christian Study Center, Hafiz Iqbal Rizvi, Mufti Abdul Qavi, Allama Makhdom Salfi and TAI's chief of Women Wing Mrs Zubaida Saeed also addressed on the occasion.

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