LEAs directed to ensure fool proof security during Muharram

09 Jan, 2008

The Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister former Justice Abdul Qadir Halepoto has directed the Sindh Police and other law enforcing agencies to adopt fool proof security measures during the Muharram-ul-Harram and also to ensure forthcoming general elections in peaceful atmosphere failing which strict action would be taken against the defaulters.
This he directed while presiding over a meeting of law and order at Shahbaz Hall, Shahbaz Building Hyderabad today. The caretaker Sindh Minister for Home Brigadier Akhtar Zamin (Retd), Chief Secretary Sindh Fazul Rehman, Provincial Police Officer Sindh Major Ziaul Hassan (Retd) and all the DCOs and DPOs of Sindh except Karachi attended the meeting.
Addressing the meeting, the Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister warned the officers that no negligence about law and order would be tolerated, and said that if any security lapse comes to his notice during Muharram-ul-Harram and pre and post elections proceedings, serious action including removal from the services would be taken against the responsible and no excuse would be accepted in this regard, he added.
He made it clear that in addition to DPOs, RPOs and DIG have also been held responsible to provide foolproof security to the Mosques, Imam Bargahs (especially during prayers time), Majalis and mourning processions. He also directed them to identify sensitive areas and brief their subordinates about the importance of security and protection of the people at those areas.
The Sindh Chief Minister also directed the S P Special Branch and other Intelligence agencies to deploy intelligence and to fully activate their intelligence network in such a way so that terrorists and miscreants could be curbed before implementation of their nefarious designs.
He said that the DPOs to get the routes of the mourning processions searched and cleared by the bomb disposal squads before they move. The Sindh Chief Minister directed that all the DPOs and SP Investigation to work together with and in no case the display of arm be allowed.
The Sindh Chief Minister also took serious notice of objectionable wall chalking and circulation of objectionable printing material posters and directed that such type of wall chalking be removed and action be taken against the printers and peddlers of objectionable printed material.
While addressing the District Coordination Officers of the province, the Sindh Chief Minister former Justice Abdul Qadir Halepoto asked DCOs for coordination with all administrative and public utility departments to facilitate the Majalis and mourning processions.
The caretaker Sindh Minister for Home Akhtar Zamin while addressing the meeting asked the police officers to adopt comprehensive strategy to meet the security challenges in future. He also directed the police officers to lodge F I Rs against the criminals and also to conduct impartial inquiries and not to perturb any innocent people.
The Chief Secretary Sindh Fazul Rehman asked the DCOs to cooperate and provide complete actual information of the losses to the three-member commission formed by Federal Government for the compensation of the damages caused to the private properties during recent violence.
The Chief Secretary also directed DCOs to establish Crisis Management Centre with all required resources to meet any eventuality and type of the incident in their districts. Later, the RPO Hyderabad and RPO Sukkur briefed the Sindh Chief Minister about the security measures adopted by them to maintain law and order situation in their regions.

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