Partly Facetious: she-bang going ahead full steam

09 Jan, 2008

"In Kenya..."
"You are being silly. At a time when your own country is embroiled in turmoil you are talking of Kenya..."
"I am worried that a similar situation does not erupt here."
"Oh I see. You mean with the poll rigging and the whole she-bang that was prepared pre-Benazir Bhutto assassination is going ahead full steam..."
"What she-bang are you referring to? And in any case what is a she-bang?"
"The pre poll rigging, the during the poll rigging and the post poll rigging - and as the country has learnt Benazir had irrefutable proof of all this and gave specific examples that the government cannot deny."
"Oh that! Isn't that kind of common with the leadership this country has had - civilian, or military."
"Or retired military?"
"That's certainly a new one - let's see how that pans out in the end."
"So it's full steam ahead as far as Musharraf is concerned."
"Yes and the plan has not been changed even though the opposition knows about it. I mean shouldn't they have at least changed some parts of the plan!"
"Why should they change it? It's worked so well in the past..."
"Yes but a military man would change his strategy if he knows that the enemy knows his plan..."
"In that way Pakistani politics is much easier, they stick to the same plan, decade after decade, government after government..."
"Maybe politics is deceptively easy but the facts on the ground have never been this bad before..."
"Remember Bhutto - everyone forgot him after he was assassinated as well."
"Maybe, but time will tell and my gut feeling is things are very different this time around."

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