Partly Facetious: the final straw on camel's back

10 Jan, 2008

"Musharraf is going gung-ho against the Jiyalas."
"Bad move."
"I would qualify that statement."
"Yet another bad move is how I would put it."
"He is going to arrest the Jiyalas for ransacking after the assassination of Benazir..."
"Well, it's not a bad move in a country where ransacking is part of political unrest, however given these sensitive times this is probably the final straw on the camel's back."
"Who is the camel?"
"The PPP high command, the Jiyalas, members of the opposition as well as the people of this country..."
"What about foreign powers?"
"What about them?"
"If they don't enter the fray then it is doubtful Musharraf will heed any advice."
"But upon whose advice is he going to go ahead with this particular action?"
"I would imagine the Chaudhrys. They are still meeting with him on a regular basis, aren't they?"
"Yes they are and it's in their interest for Musharraf to remain in control..."
"But Musharraf's control is tenuous at best these days and if he continues to take unpopular decisions then this country may see further turmoil and..."
"I agree, sometimes an iron hand works and sometimes it doesn't and I think the people of this country have finally reached a stage where Musharraf's latest action may not be acceptable..."
"Right, a politician learns to back off when the going gets rough and come back to strike another day."
"Indeed but a commando has a different training."
"He is a politician known - the days of the commando are over...Lord knows they have been over since the 1999 coup..."
"But no one has told him that!"
"Don't be facetious."

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