PC's proposal termed conspiracy against CNG industry

12 Jan, 2008

The Government of Pakistan has introduced investor friendly CNG policy through SRO 38(I)/1998 and offer incentives to attract investors to achieve (1) supply of cheaper fuels to customers (2) Pollution free cleaner and greener Pakistan (3) To save foreign exchange on the import of petroleum products.
By the grace of God and the friendly policies of Government of Pakistan the CNG sector has achieved the objectives by their efforts and now Pakistan is No 1 in the ranking of CNG users competing Argentina and Brazil. 1923 stations are in operation and 1.62 million vehicles have been converted to CNG across the country. Due to the efforts of CNG industry the government has saved 3 billion dollar on the import of refined petroleum products
The reported proposal of Planning Commission (PC) Government of Pakistan for the equivalence of CNG price with the price of petrol would burn the investment of Rs 72 billion by the investors in CNG industry and we termed the proposal as a conspiracy against the present government and investor. This conspiracy aims to destroy the CNG industry at the stage when the government is taking steps to introduce CNG buses in the major cities of Pakistan.
The CNG sector has used 2.8 percent of total natural gas in 2006 and use 4.6 percent in 2007 and was not responsible for the present gas crisis. All other figures published are baseless and fabricated to harm CNG industry. The stakeholders of CNG industry are ready to explain all facts and figures and recommend to call a meeting by government in this regard.
All stakeholders of CNG Industry, CNO Station Owners Association of Pakistan, All Pakistan CNG Association and CNO Dealers Association of Pakistan condemn the proposal of Planning Commission and urge government to reject such proposal which add miseries to customers and CNG station owners,
If the government takes any action without consultation with CNG stakeholders, it would harm national economy and CNG industry would take necessary action against this plan.-PR

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