UK Muslim Council regrets Bishop's remarks

13 Jan, 2008

The Muslim Council of Britain has regretted the recent comments made by Bishop of Rochester Dr Michael Nazir Ali and stressed the need to encourage and work hard to foster interfaith harmony rather than create mistrust and suspicion.
"His assertion that British Muslims have created 'No go areas' in some parts of Britain is not borne out in any credible research and the remarks are alarming and serve only to benefit the far right elements," said Council's Secretary General Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari in a statement.
He said across the country, British Muslims were seeking common cause with their neighbours, sharing and living with peoples of other faiths while local interfaith groups were coming together to seek mutual understanding and work for the common good.
Dr Bari observed that Bishop's comments were likely to do much harm in promoting greater understanding between religious groups and give more ammunition to those waiting in periphery and eager to take advantage of divisions in Christian and Muslim Interfaith work.
He said, "The Muslim Council of Britain hopes that Dr Michael Nazir Ali takes more responsibility and care in his remarks. As a key figure of the Anglican Church's network for interfaith, he ought to work to foster better relationships and bring about cohesion rather than create and aggravate community tensions."

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