Zardari wants US to help restore democracy in Pakistan

13 Jan, 2008

Co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari has said that the first challenge for his party is to win the upcoming elections, adding that the United States should cooperate for restoration of democracy in Pakistan.
Zardari, in an interview to Indian Newsmagazine, said: "We have been on the fault line of the world. "With terrorism becoming the war of the future, time and people have managed to bring the war to our borders," he added.
Zardari called on the US to "help Pakistan get a fine democracy so that we can be equal and helpful partners in the world community", a news channel reported. He said that survival of Pakistan and India depended on maintaining mutual good relations.
Elaborating, he said: "India should play a bigger role. It carries a larger responsibility because any upheaval, any Balkanisation, any Talibanisation, any warlord-like situation in Pakistan would directly affect India."
Asked about his wish to emulate Sonia Gandhi, who heads India's ruling coalition partner, Congress Party, he said she was a "much bigger figure than I could ever hope to be. I am merely starting", he added.

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