Partly Facetious: overly focused on power

14 Jan, 2008

"The rubbish is piling up in Naples..."
"All the land fills are full..."
"Sounds like something that could happen in this part of the world."
"Well, we have all learned that people are people..."
"How profound!"
"Don't be facetious - I meant that we all get angry, we hate, we love...well, there is not much love out there these days but..."
"That's true."
"But why would Naples being full of rubbish interest me?"
"Because the Italian government has ordered the army to clean the streets of Naples..."
"Are you implying what I think you are implying?"
"Well, if the shoe fits..."
"The shoe doesn't fit."
"The Italians are not fighting any wars and we are not at war with any one and so I think there are similarities..."
"Do you know on how many fronts our army is deployed at present?"
"There is Waziristan and then there is Balochistan...but these are areas of our own country and we shouldn't be deployed there, let the government..."
"Let me remind you that the country was being run by a military man till a month or so ago and I am quite confused when people tell me the army is no longer running the government today..."
"But we can't fight our own people by labelling them terrorists."
"Well, we are - besides you are wrong when you say there is no war ongoing. Did you forget the war on terror?"
"It's not our war."
"It is now. You know we are number two in the world in terms of number of suicide bombings these days and I am afraid we are a front line state."
"Alright, but Italy is also fighting the war on terror."
"Not quite like our government."
"That's certainly true...the Italians are too busy changing governments while we seem to be overly focused on keeping a government in power."
"You have to qualify the use of the word 'we'."

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