Urs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai: foolproof security spelled out

14 Jan, 2008

Modalities to collaborate the 264th Annual Urs of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (R.A) at Bhitshah with zeal, enthusiasm and befitting manner under the foolproof security were spelled out in the high level meeting presided over by Provincial Secretary for Cultural and Tourism Shams Jafrani at Bhitshah Rest House Bhitshah.
Addressing the meeting, the Provincial Secretary Culture and Tourism Shams Jafrani highlighted over the arrangements and assigned the officers concerned to carryout repair, renovation and decoration works of the Dargah Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (R.A), Cultural Auditorium and Bhitshah Rest House and asked the officers of irrigation to fill the Karar lake 15 days before the Urs celebration. He said that sub-committees be formed to ensure the provision of sanitation, water supply, functional street lights and lavatories to facilitate the devotees. He said that a bus terminal with wide area be prepared outside the Bhitshah town and proper arrangements for smooth traffic flow be arranged.
He said that as usual this year Adbi conference and cultural show would also be arranged during Urs celebrations at Bhitshah.

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