Draw of Rs 750 prize bonds

15 Jan, 2008

The 33rd draw of Rs 750 prize bonds is scheduled to be held Tuesday at State Bank of Pakistan, Quetta. Central Directorate of National Savings, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance and State Bank of Pakistan will jointly organise the draw that will be supervised by the draw committee comprising a Chairman, Secretary and three members.
The chairman will preside over the function and will be selected among the dignitaries such as journalists, lawyers, educationalists, businessmen, men of letter, public servants etc.
Secretary will be Chief Manager/Deputy chief Manager of local branch of State Bank of Pakistan while member will be one each from Ministry of Finance, (Regional Directorate of National Savings), State Bank of Pakistan and member from Chamber of Commerce & Trade.
Further school children preferably those from special Education Schools will be invited to draw the prize numbers. The draw will be held under common number system and the details of prizes are as under; First prize will be of Rs 1, 000,000 (each prize), number of prize is one, while second prize of Rs 300,000 (each prize), number of prize are three.-PR

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