Partly Facetious: another wild conspiracy theory

15 Jan, 2008

"Hmmm so even the wildest conspiracy theories seem to have some merit these days, or so it would appear."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Shahbaz Sharif was reportedly sought by the Musharraf camp to be part of the neutral government set up..."
"In return for what?"
"In return for toning down anti-Musharraf statements..."
"Why would Shahbaz Sharif agree? I mean after the elections Musharraf may become a figure head and..."
"Only if he allows free and fair elections to go ahead..."
"Excuse me but you must have noticed that his manoeuvrability in that regard has become rather limited of late."
"True but the carrot offered to Shahbaz Sharif allegedly is that he will continue to play a role after the elections."
"I was under the impression that the post election period is not going to be controlled by Musharraf."
"Well, that's the deal being offered, reportedly."
"I see, and how does the government reconcile not allowing the Sharifs to stand up for elections in that case?"
"They don't. Musharraf can opt to talk of national interest and reconciliation and..."
"And that would justify the rest?"
"Indeed as always."
"And why would the Sharifs accept the deal?"
"Well, BB did if you recall and you know how our politicians think and..."
"And they abandon their principles at the drop of a hat?"
"Indeed they do. Like Musharraf did, repeatedly I may add."
"Ah yes, but I do hope the Sharifs would stand firm."
"So do I and you know they have denied any deal...Shahbaz Sharif according to the Sharif camp merely met with this man who also happens to be close to Musharraf..."
"Ah, and you knew this when we started our discussion today?"
"Yes I did - I so enjoy a conspiracy theory..."
"You so enjoy that you lose track of reality."
"Isn't that what a conspiracy theory is all about!"

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