Book on Baloch Sufi poet launched

16 Jan, 2008

Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) on Tuesday launched a new book on the 'Baloch Sufi' poet Mast Tawakkali, which was written by Dr Shah Mohammad Marri. Appreciating the efforts of the author PAL chairman, Iftikhar Arif said, "Muhammad Marri has in fact created a reference book on the poet."
Expressing his views about the poetry of Tawakkali, the PAL chairmen said that this Baloch Sufi poet in his poetry highlighted the problems and suffering of the common man of the sub-continent in an effective manner which has left a great impact on the readers.
"No one could easily overlook the soothing and effective strains in the work of this great poet, whose poetry left aesthetic effect on the readers, he said.
Mast Tawakkali also highlighted in highly impressive way the issue of women and their exploitation in the society that was beautifully captured and manifested by the author, which has raised the stature of the poet, Iftikhar Arif said, while appreciating the work of the author Mohammad Marri.
'Dr Shah Muhammad Marri has done great service to Baloch literature as well as Pakistan by writing this book, also extended the range of Pakistani cultural tradition, adding the book would surely help in introducing Mast Tawakali's personality and art to across the country.
Anwar Khan, Managing Director of the project as well as Editor of the series, Saeeda Durrani, have also done great jobs, Iftikhar Arif said. The book would now compete for 'Mast Tawakkali Award,' the highest literary prize accorded to Baloch literary works. Artist Ahmed Habit drew sketches for the book cover.

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