Charas recovered

16 Jan, 2008

An authentic information was received through Fazal Qadir Qalbani, Director, Intelligence & Investigation-FBR, Karachi, that huge quantity of narcotics substance would be transported from Chaman to Quetta, under concealment in the special made cavities made for the purpose.
Acting upon this information, a raiding party was constituted under supervision of Deputy Director, Quetta, headed by Jaffar Hussain, SIO, comprising of M/s Ilyas Ahmed, SIO, Syed Adnan Kafeel, IO and Qasim Ali Alvi, IO along with driver Niamat Bhatti, and Sepoy Abdul Malik and Sobedar FC Khair Bux.
On 13-01-2008 at about 1500 hours, during the course of surveillance, the staff of the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation-FBR, Regional Office, Quetta, with the help of Quetta Airport Police Station, and FC authorities, intercepted a Toyota Hilux Pickup, near Balaili check post on Quetta-Chaman Road, Quetta, coming from Chaman side. On search of the conveyance, high quality Charas weighing more than four maunds has been recovered which was concealed in specially made secret cavities.-PR

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