Politicians asked to adopt strict security

16 Jan, 2008

The interior ministry has asked politicians to adopt a security conscious approach as the law and order situation has become volatile.
At the weekly media briefing Tuesday on the law and order situation, the interior ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema said that under the prevailing internal security situation, particularly after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, it is of paramount importance that political leadership is sensitised to the looming threat and adopt a security conscious approach.
"The Government would provide adequate security cover to the political leaders and it is incumbent upon the leadership itself to play its role in taking necessary steps to ensure their own safety by co-operating and paying heed to security advisory", he maintained.
Necessary directions have been given to all home secretaries and heads of law enforcement agencies to ensure foolproof security of all political leaders under threat as it is imperative that political leadership should also follow guidelines.
Maintaining close liaison with provincial home departments and local police through nominated focal point; giving due weightage to security advise by local police chief; keeping provincial administration, police informed of travel plans; asking for security measures required for a specific event; avoiding unnecessary public exposure; keeping travel plans flexible/unpredictable and planning and using different routes for travelling.
Besides, security clearance of personal guards and employees through local police; preferring use of security personnel provided by the government over personal guards; gatherings/corner meetings may be used as preferred mode of electioneering and big rallies should be avoided as far as possible; unnecessary exposure during slow movement of vehicles should be avoided; unidentified persons should not have access to residence; unidentified persons should not be allowed to get closer to the leader and personal guards/ party workers detailed for security duty should be issued with security passes for recognition by local police are also include in the measures.
To a question, he confirmed that the law enforcement agencies have busted seven terrorist gangs allegedly involved in lethal suicide bombings in Karachi, Rawalpindi, Kamra and other parts of the country. However, he did not disclose the names and identities of the culprits.
Cheema said foolproof security arrangements are in place throughout the country to ensure peaceful religious rites during Moharram.
All resources including troops and rangers have been mobilised to assist LEAs for round-the-clock vigilance and thwart any attempt by subversive and terrorist elements to disturb peace and order, he added.
The bomb blast in Karachi on Monday shows the desperation of terrorist who struck innocent people, he lamented.
Cheema said while the law enforcement personnel are taking all precautionary measures and exercising extreme vigilance it is also incumbent upon all citizens to remain alert to the threat, adding that any suspicious activity should be immediately brought to the notice of the nearest police station or check post.
Besides, the spokesman maintained that there seems to be some misunderstanding after the departure of Scotland Yard team from Pakistan.
The fact of the matter is that initially five investigators arrived in Pakistan, later on another six experts in the field of explosives and graphic computers came to Pakistan on two different dates, he added.
It is clarified that four investigators will permanently stay in Pakistan till the completion of investigations and remaining members will keep shuttling between UK and Pakistan, the spokesman said.
The six experts who left Pakistan had finished their job, he said, adding that the departure is a routine matter and there is nothing unusual about it. The number of investigators will increase or decrease according to the requirements, he maintained.

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