Trade deficit may cross $17 billion by year-end: Piaf

16 Jan, 2008

The law and order situation, shortage of gas and electricity may increase trade deficit which has already reached to a record level of $8.24 billion during first half of the current financial year, ie from July-December 2007.
If the situation is not improved and present state of affairs continue, the trade deficit may cross the level of $17 billion by the end of this financial year and Pakistan would become just a consumer country, Pakistan Industrial and Traders Association Front (PIAF) chairman Mian Abuzar Shad said.
It appears the government experts rather than providing industry-friendly environment have left the indigenous industry at the mercy of circumstances, he added.
The rulers only made tall claims of economic progress and did not take any step for providing cheaper energy to the industry. The industrial units remain closed for hours and thus can not meet export orders whereas the number of foreign buyers is also shrinking day-by-day, he maintained.
The setting up of industrial estate is a good step but the government should have also ensured smooth supply of electricity and gas failing which the estates would not yield desired results, he said. He urged the government to resolve gas and electricity issue and ensure maintenance of law and order in the country.

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