Who is he?

17 Jan, 2008

Yes. Who is Muhammad ElBaradei? Newspaper reports say he heads the world body IAEA. But can the chief of such an important international organisation be so irresponsible that he first makes a statement, creates stir all over and then a clarification has to be issued to silence the critics.
Only the other day, ElBaradei had expressed concern regarding extremists coming into power in Pakistan which has 30 to 40 warheads, in an interview with Pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat. Now, the statement by the IAEA chief has been clarified to be not Pakistan specific but in fact meant to bolster worldwide nuclear safety. The clarification in all fairness is not all that convincing though the Foreign Office has accepted it as a gesture of goodwill.
The IAEA chief statement only endorsed the so-called concern which the US leadership and media has been expressing for sometime about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenals fearing these may fall into the hands of militant extremist elements.
This is despite the fact that Islamabad has time and again assured the world powers that nuclear assets are in safe hands and under an effective, strong and powerful command system. In the backdrop of the terrorist activities including 52 suicide bomb attacks just in one year 2007 in Pakistan aiming at destabilise the country indicate the evil design of the US-Israel nexus to have access to Islamabad's nuclear assets somehow or the other.
All such evil designs against Pakistan's security, integrity and solidarity are bound to meet with no success as the whole nation is united, integrated and committed to safeguard the nuclear assets which are the guarantee as minimum defence deterrent for national security and integrity with President Pervez Musharraf quite firm to withstand all pressures in this regard.

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