Partly Facetious: government gets a reprieve

17 Jan, 2008

"Scotland Yard has been mandated to determine the cause of Ms Bhutto's death."
"And not identify the perpetrators?"
"Well, the state has confused the issue so much that the cause becomes more important than the who, if you know what I mean."
"For me the who is much more important than what caused her death."
"That's because you are so sure about the cause of her death."
"Right you are...I mean it was obvious to the onlookers, who I trust in this case, and they were unanimous: she was shot."
"And the state confused the issue..."
"Thereby making the how more important than the who..."
"That's pretty clever of the state because the who they identified denied it and with great credibility."
"Right again. So, Mr Cheema was a lot smarter than we gave him credit for, right."
"Right, it is reminiscent of what Poodle's Alastair Campbell did in terms of the dossier on Iraq. Remember he focused attention on the irrelevant and..."
"Yes, I do remember."
"So Cheema must be promoted."
"Right, but seriously shouldn't the how lead to the who?"
"I don't see how."
"Well, if they find out how she died..."
"Which should be fairly simple - they need to do an autopsy on her..."
"Which her devoted husband won't allow I hear..."
"Right and so we have a situation where the government gets a reprieve, if you know what I mean."
"Yes I do. That's very good tactics."

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