Al Qaeda calls for fresh attacks on forces

18 Jan, 2008

Two major al Qaeda operatives in tribal areas near Afghanistan have called upon their followers to intensify holy war against security forces and seize control of the capital Islamabad, media reports said on Thursday.
"Jihad is compulsory in Pakistan as it is compulsory in Afghanistan," Qadri Tahir Yaldeshiv the chief of the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan and the chief of Uzbek militants in North Waziristan, was cited as saying by Italian newswire Adnkronos International (AKI).
He also encouraged Muslims to avenge the army commando operation at the Red Mosque in July 2007 that left more than 100 militants and hardcore students of an adjoining Islamic seminary died in the action.
The action followed several weeks' stand-off with the government that rejected their demand for Taliban-styled strict Islamic rule in the capital. The video that was sent from Yaldeshiv's camp in the tribal district of North Waziristan also included a statement from Abdul Khaliq Haqqani, who supported the Uzbek militant.
Yaldshive also talked about the need for strict Sharia law in Pakistan. "Pakistan came into being on the name of Islam, therefore Islam should be enforced in the country," he said in the video.
The Uzbek commander is not very popular among the pro-Taliban militants in North-Waziristan and hundreds of his men were killed early last year in an offensive by the local tribal fighters, led by Mullah Nazirs.

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