Huge quantity of contrabands destroyed

27 Jan, 2008

The Customs, as part of its programmes to mark the International Custom Day, destroyed by setting on fire huge quantity of contrabands including 108 kg heroin, 234 kg Charas, 19 kg opium, 35 kg hashish, 300 kg cannabis leave besides 11845 bottles of foreign liquor, 604 tins beer, 20733 pirated DVDs and CDs and 68 kg expired medicines.
Custom House Karachi celebrated the day on Saturday under the auspices of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and World Customs Organisation. The theme of the day was 'Combating the illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances'.
The day began with the recitation of Holy Quran in Custom House, Karachi early in the morning followed by March Past by Custom uniform officers and flag hoisting ceremony. A seminar on the theme was held in the custom office where senior custom officials participated along with the members of trade.
The major event of destroying contrabands including narcotics was held at Neelum Point near Paradise Point. Munir Qureshi, Chief Collector Custom, Muhammad Yahya, Collector, Preventor, Ali Zaib Khan, Assistant Collector, Preventor, Faiz Ahmad, Additional Collector, Preventor, Mumtaz Ahmad Khoosu, Deputy Collector, Preventor, Ashar Majeed Khalid, D G, Training, Nasir Azhar, D.G and officials from Coast Guard, Navy, and foreign drug liaison officers participated in the destruction ceremony.

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