On Thursday, BRIndex30 opened at 15,233.70. It closed at 15,287.55 with a net positive change of 69.76 points and percentage change of 0.46. It saw an intra-day high of 15,309.47 and an intra-day low of 15,169.76.
The volume amounted to 87,794,700, which was 55.44 percent of the total market and 88.93 percent of KSE-100 index. The volume of KSE All Share and KSE-100 were 158,372,260 and 98,725,460 respectively.
BR Tech. & Comm. Index was the third most active sector. It closed at 1,536.58 with an upward change of 8.93 points and percentage change of 0.58. The volume of this sector was 9,475,200. BR Cement Index was the second most active sector with a turnover of 11,006,400. It saw a rise of 10.07 points or 0.63 percent, closing at 1,615.39.
BR Commercial Banks Index was the most active sector. It closed at 5,791.84 with a net negative change of -29.72 points and percentage change of -0.51. The turnover for this sector was 15,980,700.
BR Power Generation and Distribution Index closed at 1,441.59 with a negative change of -9.12 points or -0.63 percent. The turnover for this sector was 1,827,300, which was again the lowest among BRIndices. BR Oil and Gas Index closed with a turnover of 6,394,200. It closed at 2,399.26 with a net positive change of 7.86 points or 0.33 percent.