Poets to bring world focus on plight of Kashmiri people

03 Feb, 2008

About 25 poets of the twin cities met on Saturday evening at the National Art Gallery to demonstrate national unity as well as to bring world focus on the plight of the Kashmiri people. Iftikhar Arif, Chairman of Pakistan Academy of Letters, presided over the Mushaira or Sham-I-Shairi.
The poems read on the occasion recalled the stupendous valour of the Kashmiri people who are winning feelings of affinity, love and affection from every peace-loving nation world-wide for their freedom struggle and the fight to win the right of plebiscite which India has been denying to them for the past 60 years.
The poetry evening session at the PNCA was a precursor of the nation-wide programmes, which the people would celebrate on Tuesday (February 5). The occasion would also bring back memories of the tremendous unity of the Pakistan people and their repugnance for the excesses on the Kashmiri people.

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