Bid to smuggle 254 bags of flour foiled

03 Feb, 2008

The Federal Food Committee (FFC) was informed here on Saturday that the law enforcing agencies foiled a bid to smuggle 254 bags of 50 kg flour at Chamman Border in Balochistan.
The FFC meeting held under the chairmanship of the Senior Member, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Shaukat Nawaz Tahir vowed to take strict action against the hoarders, smugglers and profiteers for smooth supply of the commodity across the country. It was informed that law enforcement authorities have also arrested a man involved in the crime.
The FFC body also reviewed the overall wheat and flour situation in the country and noted satisfactorily that supply situation in the markets was improving. The District Nazim Lahore, Mian Amir Mehmood briefed the FCC about the wheat and flour situation in the city informed that he himself had visited the entire city and no shortage was reported from any area in the city.
"The flour crisis in Lahore has come to an end and there is no flour shortage as the commodity is available in the market", he told the meeting. Representatives of all the four provinces besides the representatives of National Logistic Company (NLC), Frontier Constabulary (FC) and Rangers attended the meeting to review the flour situation.
It was further informed in the meeting that government has already directed all provincial governments to take strict action against people found involved in hoarding and profiteering.

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