AJK chalks out plan to improve living standard

03 Feb, 2008

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) government has made a broad-based integrated plan aimed at improving and enhancing the living conditions of common people through providing all latest basic amenities of life to the people across the liberated territory.
According to official sources, AJK state government has earmarked huge amount in the current financial year 2007-08 budget for the welfare of the people and development of the liberated territory under the uplift programme of 'skilled and green' Kashmir. The sources pointed out that a big portion of previous fiscal year development funds had also been spent on various ongoing development projects in the area.
The government has fixed priorities for the timely completion of the ongoing projects besides to launch various new development schemes of public welfare in different parts of AJK including Mirpur division. The development projects include a network of highway and link roads, telecommunications, health, education and civic sectors launched in Azad Kashmir during the current fiscal year.
The sources said that those projects, after the completion, would not only benefit common men across the liberated territory vis-à-vis but it also would make speedy socio-economic development and prosperity of AJK. It revealed that construction work was in progress on various projects in different parts of AJK since the state government had fixed the target of electrifying entire AJK by the end of the year 2010.

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